Thank you for considering donating to Bartlett Foundation!
Bartlett Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) Organization, Tax ID 92-0147705
Donations to the Bartlett Foundation can be made by check or credit card donation. Please make checks payable to “Bartlett Regional Hospital Foundation.” Checks can be mailed to 3260 Hospital Drive, Juneau, AK 99801.
Online donations can be made through our donate button below and in the online form to the right. Donations can additionally be made in person at The Foundation Office, please call (907) 463-5704 to schedule an office donation time.
For general purpose donations, please leave the memo line blank.
For specific donations, please indicate the name of the fund on the memo line (check donations) or in the special instruction fields (online donations).
Donor recognition is acknowledged by placing a leaf on our Donor Forest wall, located on the second floor of Bartlett Regional Hospital, donor leaf recognition is based on the giving categories listed below.
Gold Member Donations of $1,000 to $4,999
Platinum Member Donations of $5,000 to $9,999
Life Member Donations of $10,000 or more*
*If a donor pledges to give $1,000 per year for 10 years, upon pledging, the donor becomes a Life Member.
Memorials and Honorary Contributions
For those who give to the Foundation in memory or in honor of a friends or loved one. Named endowment funds will be established for individuals for whom memorial or honorary gifts totaling more than $25,000 have been made.
There are many ways to contribute during your life or even after. The easiest and most straightforward contributions are bequests and lifetime gifts. There are ways to set up bequests that benefit you and your heirs during your lifetime, and can later pass on the benefits to the Foundation.
Lifetime gifts
Lifetime gifts can take many forms, a check, on-time contribution, real estate, shares of stock, beneficiary of wills or retirement plan.
Charitable trusts
A Donor can set up a Charitable Lead Trust or a Charitable Remainder Trust, which share the assets and the income generated between heirs and the Foundation.
Corporate Giving
Corporations and businesses may choose to support the Foundation through many avenues. It is best to consult your tax advisor to find what is best for you. Contributions are tax-deductible and the Foundation is committed to honoring and recognizing those who help provide better health-care services in our region.
Tax Benefits
Each gift has tax advantages that may help reduce the tax burden for you and your family. Tailored to individual circumstances and desires, donations can reduce or eliminate taxes for the donor and still provide benefits to the Hospital Foundation. Again, consult your tax advisor to find what is best for your situation.